Sunday, October 04, 2009

Our Little Patient

Hang in there, little guy!

Grandpa Taylor & Jacob

Big brother, Ethan, comes to visit.

Finally on his 5th day, he is allowed in the play room.

Last Tuesday our little Jacob was admitted to the hospital. He has been quite sick for some time and has not been able to recover on his own. He stopped gaining weight back in April because his body was focusing all of its energy on fighting the ulcers and inflammation lining his large intestine. A colonoscopy revealed that he most likely has ulcerative colitis, a disease that generally affects older teenagers and adults. Jacob has been the most patient little patient. He has endured more than any small child should ever have to go through. He had an IV in his right hand for the first 5 days of his stay, and then they transfered it to his foot yesterday. He is happy to use both hands, but has a hard time walking around with a big board on his foot. I can't handle getting into specifics of other tests and procedures they have done to him because it makes me feel too depressed. Thank you to everyone who is praying for our little Jacob and our family. This has been the most trying experience of our lives and we wouldn't be able to endure it without the support of our family and friends. Jacob is still in the hospital as of today. He has a CT scan scheduled for tomorrow. I hope he is well enough to return home this week. Please keep him in your prayers.


Lacey said...

So sorry! I hope he is able to get better soon. Jake's uncle is a pediatric urologist at Loma Linda if you need more specialized care. He's the best. We will be praying for little Jacob and your family.

ErinR said...

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about a year ago. I couldn't imagine having it at Jacob's age! You guys are in my thoughts and prayers...

The Olsen Family said...

We are so sorry! Your sweet little boy and family will be in our prayers. I hope that he will recover quickly!

Sterling said...

Very sorry to hear about this, but thank you for sharing this information with us. We will pray for Jacob and your family.

Amy E. said...

I'm glad to hear what's been going on. I've been thinking about you guys the past month and wondering if more was going on. I don't know much about the disease, but I hope your sweet little guy does well and will feel better soon. We'll remember you in our prayers. I hope you were able to catch some of conference in the midst of this. Let me know if we can record any of it for you.

Fernsten Family said...

We have been keeping abreast of Jacob's condition through Julie's forwarded emails from Josh. What a little trooper! Even though he has been at the hospital for a week now, he looks like he may be feeling a little better (from the pictures). We continue to remember you all in our prayers. Love, Aunt Loralee

Natalie said...

I'm sorry to hear about your little guy. I hope that all goes well and he gets to come home soon!

Mommy Mel said...

Kylene - I just saw all of this. Your family will most certainly be in our prayers. Your little guy looks so sweet and strong, I know he will get through all of this ok. Hang in there :)
