(If you double click on the collage, you can view it larger.) Thanks to Mom and Dad Long, we had a fun family weekend getaway to Indio to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary! The weather was unusually pleasant for this time of year with highs in the 80s. (Josh and I went two years ago and endured weather of 120°!)
We checked into the Worldmark resort on Thursday afternoon and spent that evening having dinner and getting settled into our two-bedroom room, which Ethan enthusiastically called our new home!
On Friday we spent a lot of time playing at the one-foot deep kiddie pool. It was perfect for Ethan! He played in there for two hours straight! Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the camera down to the pool so we don't have any pictures of that. Mom and Dad Long arrived Friday evening to help with the children so that Josh and I could enjoy an evening out. We dined at the Olive Garden in Palm Desert, and then we searched around for a movie theater that was playing "Star Trek." We were unsuccessful at that and so headed back to the resort.
Saturday we all went to the Living Desert park to look at the animals. When we got home we relaxed for a little while, then Josh and I headed down to the Lazy River at the resort. Strangely enough, it was a little too cold outside even though the water was heated, so we ended up in the jacuzzi. When our fingers started getting pruney, we headed back up to our room to order pizza and watch Wall-E with Dad, Jacob, and Ethan. Mom had come down with a fever that night and was resting.
Sunday morning, we got up and got ready for a 9:00 church meeting. After speeding over to the church, we discovered an empty parking lot. Apparently, we happened to be visiting Indio during their Stake Conference. Not knowing where to go from there, we headed back to the resort to start gathering our things. We checked out at noon and were sad to leave, but look forward to another trip to that beautiful resort in the future!